About the Author: KC GOH
KC GOH enjoys cooking and creating healthy food in the kitchen.

Eating does not make you fat, it is what you eat that makes you fat. Losing weight does not mean starvation. If you know how to eat the right food, you can turn your body into a natural fat-burning machine.
The book, 10-Day Weight Loss Asian Diet will show you how you can lose 10 pounds or more in just 10 days without any exercise.
The is a proven diet plan that will let you eat three full meals and at least two snacks a day—and you're still going to lose weight. The author has lost 5kg or almost 11 pounds in just 10 days and went on to lose 11 pounds more in the next 14 days by following this diet plan. The author has documented every meal he has eaten with full recipes and images and now you can follow this simple diet plan easily. The book also reveals the secret behind turning your body to burn fats naturally without exercise.
There will be no starving, no salads, but you will get to eat real food that makes you slim and healthy.
At the end of 10 days, you will not just lose the weight but you will lower your cholesterol, feel and look younger and dramatically improve your health.
This book features 30 proven healthy Asian food recipes for the 10-Day diet program that are fast and easy-to-prepare. Each recipe comes with detailed instructions and full-color images. If you want to look better and feel better, this book is for you. Follow the Asian diet plan and you will lose weight fast.
Discover the science behind the proven 10-Day Weight Loss Asian Diet and give yourself just 10 days to transform yourself. You don't just lose the weight but you will have:
• More energy
• Sleep better
• No more joints pains
• No more gout
• No more constipation
• No more mental fog
• Better skin and glowing complexion
• Feel 5 years younger and look younger
Start today, give yourself just 10 Days to experience the path towards better health.