About the Author: Irfan Alli
IRFAN ALLI: Irfan Alli is the author of several eBooks – among them: “What are Angels?", “What Happens After we Die?", “101 Selected Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)", “Enlightenment from the Quran – God’s Last Revelation to Mankind", “201 Motivational Quotes from Around the World" and 101 Selected Sayings of Mahatma Gandhi".
Over the last 25 years he has served as a director and educator in Islamic organizations as well as a lay Muslim Chaplain in Canadian hospitals and prisons.
Irfan is often asked to speak to Muslims and non-Muslims to help them better understand Islam. His presentations to students, parents, youths, community groups, pastors, educators, and at interfaith forums have been well received.
His volunteer efforts, professional work and recreational activities have taken him all across Canada, to the U.S., Brazil, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan, Guyana, Pakistan, India, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and China. What he has learned from his travels is reflected in his writing. Irfan lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife, four children, and a growing number of grand children.

In 101 SELECTED SAYINGS OF BUDDHA you will learn:
1. The secret of meaningful existence.
2. What determines who you become.
3. How to find peace for yourself.
4. What lures us to evil.
5. How character is formed.
6. About the short road to death.
7. How to make your home into a beautiful garden.
8. What the triple truth is.
9. How to manage your ego.
10. What holding on to anger is like.
11. How to have the best relationship.
12. What to ask yourself before you speak.
13. How to fill yourself with joy.
14. Which word is better than a thousand words.
15. What makes us holy.
16. About the dangers of doubt.
17. How the wise fashion speech.
18. Who deserves your love.
19. What kills without drawing blood.
20. Who gets burned when we hold on to anger.
21. What renews humanity.
22. Two mistakes one can make in search of truth.
23. And much more.
Find out what Gautama Buddha has to say about these and other issues by reading this book.