2 Revelation

David Stephen Dellit introduces himself as God's chosen scribe for "The Valentine Prophecies," a divine communication initiated on Valentine's Day, 2013, for the end-times. Addressing particularly devout followers from Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the messages were delivered supernaturally, bypassing normal sensory channels, compelling Dellit to type out God's urgent warnings without concern for errors. By July 2013, God concluded his messages, later termed "Second Revelation" in 2014, meant as a continuation of the New Testament's Book of Revelation and a call to all of God's children, enhanced with Dellit's personal testimony to strengthen faith in this divine revelation.

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About the Author: David Dellit
David Dellit grew up near the quiet shores of Moreton Bay in a peaceful suburb of Brisbane, Australia. As a young child he enjoyed spending his days with a fishing rod in his hands and the family dogs by his side. His teenage years brought out a rebellious side highlighted by throwing rotten tomatoes at houses and attempting to destroy neighbours' letterboxes with fireworks. At age 17, he met the love of his life while in Sydney. They soon married and began their family with the birth of a lovely baby girl. David returned to Brisbane with his new family and began a career with the Police Force. After many active policing roles, he left the Police Force and enrolled at University and trained as a teacher. David has also enjoyed success as an entrepreneur and business owner.

Throughout it all, David has always sensed that God was near, sometimes with great power. He spent decades with a particular church that believed it was the perfect church and those who attended other churches would never enter the gates of heaven. God challenged David to serve him in ways that breached some basic beliefs of this 'perfect' church, resulting in David descending from being socially admired by the congregation to being totally shunned.

God lead David to a new, friendly, and loving church where his spiritual life became calm and comfortable, until February 2013. It was Valentine's Day when God began to share with David. He instructed David to simply type what He shared and send it out worldwide. God's message is what has become 'The Valentine Prophecies.'
My name is David Stephen Dellit. I am God's chosen scribe to record his words found in this letter to his children living in the end-times. God calls his letter, Second Revelation. God's call is to the whole world, but in particular to those sincere God lovers amongst Christians, Jews, and Islamists.

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2013, God commenced delivering via me, his urgent warnings, commanding me to type his words and to send them out into all the world.

God's words were clear to me in my inner senses, bypassing my ears, but at other times I would be seated at my PC keyboard, notice hours had passed, many pages were typed, but I was completely unaware of the passage of time and could not recall anything. I did not know what was typed. It was as if I had been asleep. God had taken me over. It was a very supernatural feeling.

Many times God called me urgently to my computer, often he simply started talking and I had to rush to my computer and start typing. God's words were typed in a rush with me challenged to keep pace with his delivery speed. I was instructed by him to disregard spelling and punctuation, and these were corrected in the Holy Spirit-aided professional proofreading and editing stage.

On July 10, 2013, God finished all he had to say.

God's words became known as The Valentine Prophecies, because God chose to begin speaking on Valentine's Day. God told me to include sections about me and my life with him, to aid peoples' belief. If you need to know about me, you can find it is included in the book, The Valentine Prophecies.

In May 2014, God began calling his words Second Revelation, and instructed me to add chapters and verses to assist study and referencing by religious leaders, teachers and others drawn to study his words. God regards Second Revelation as his love letter of warning to his children in the end-times, and the natural conclusion to Revelation found in the New Testament.

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