7 Steps to Success Dog Obedience Training: The Quick and Easy Guide to Having Well-Behaved Dog

People get dogs for companionship or security, treating them as family. While lovable, some dogs can be unruly, causing stress. Obedience training helps discipline dogs, reducing household havoc. While dog training classes are an option, they're not mandatory. This book guides you to train your dog at home, covering basic commands like sit, come, and stay, offering an affordable, effective training solution.

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About the Author: David Christopher
David Christopher grew up around animals, especially dogs and learned to train them from his father. He took his love of animals and opened his own obedience school, which he runs with his wife in Oakland, California. From group classes to one-on-one sessions, he is very well known for his ability to help correct dog behavior. David also fosters dogs for rescue groups, helping to socialize fearful and abused dogs so that they learn how to trust again and can be adopted out to new families.
People buy dogs for many reasons. Sometimes they want a companion or perhaps they want some security. Either way, dogs make great pets and often become thought of as family members.

If you have an unruly dog, then they are thought of as obnoxious but lovable family members. If anything, dogs can sometimes be a tad bit too enthusiastic and that is when obedience training comes in handy. Obedience training will help give your dog the discipline that they need to wreck less havoc in your household and will help eliminate a lot of the stress that stems from having an untrained dog.

Dog training and obedience classes can be costly but they are also not necessary. It is possible to train your dog yourself, at home to follow some basic commands, such as sit, come, down, stay, heel, leave it and go to your spot. If you would like to train your dog without spending extra money for fancy classes, this is the book for you.

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