A Medley of Moods

Twenty years after a friend's funeral inspired "One More Time," a tale of ideal friendship, this book also revisits earlier works "The Days Back Home" and "We Keep Love Alive." A MEDLEY OF MOODS mixes family-focused stories like "The Unbroken Bond" with real reflections on loss in "Death Pain and Being a Widow." Spanning fiction and nonfiction, these pieces explore love, friendship, and resilience, offering a glimpse into universal truths through personal narrative.

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About the Author: Annie Pearl Asher
I have loved and lost; loss humbles me. The Scriptures strengthens me; chocolate weakens me. I am renewed through tears and healed through prayers. I am fueled by the law of the jungle "To protect my cubs." I delight in my grandchildren. I am encouraged by my friends. I bask in solitude. I am at my best when I am "party planning." I laugh at my contradictions. I spent years loving and caring for my husband who has passed on; now I am learning to be wonderful on my own. I have spent most of my life daydreaming—I still do. One of my high school teachers, Mrs. Ruth Brown, said: "It is alright to daydream as long as you daydream about what is possible." I have learned that it is not enough to be good—you have to do "good": "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7. NWT. Who am I? I am A MEDLEY OF MOODS.
Twenty years ago I went to the funeral of a friend I admired and respected. The sadness I felt prompted me to write the fictional story "One More Time," in Part Two of this book; it's the ideal friendship between two friends who were inseparable. Over three decades ago I wrote "The Days Back Home," and "We keep Love Alive." I chose these two stories from the others I have written through the years because Part One of A MEDLEY OF MOODS is about family matters. I wrote The Unbroken Bond, The Sacrifice, A False Conception, and The Procrastinator to show how family members can come together in love and good will whether they are related or not—if they are willing. Death Pain and Being a Widow is my true story about the loss of my son and my spouse. Some of Part Two and Part Three are nonfiction. But whether the parts are fiction or nonfiction, there is a grain of truth in everything that I have written. And I believe that my readers will feel me through the things that I have written and they will know the difference between the two.

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