A Road Well-Traveled

On a flight to Sydney, Tim, a seasoned business leader, reflects on his career's true rewards beyond wealth and power. It's the diverse array of people—friends to foes—that brought vibrancy to his journey. Reliving encounters across continents over 40 years, Tim finds humor, warmth, and intrigue in his global connections, celebrating the human elements that enriched his professional life.

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About the Author: Thomas Walsh
Born in Chicago, Illinois, the author, now a retired business executive, developed a strong desire to travel from frequent and far-ranging business trips. Raised in a big city, he also dreamed of learning about and experiencing nature and wilderness. The author married these two passions into many high adventure travels with his family.

The author and his wife currently reside in Santa Barbara, California.
Tim is a successful business executive in the twilight of his career. During a flight to Sydney, Australia he becomes embroiled in self introspection and questions what gave him pleasure in his career. What made all the hard work and weeks away from home worth it besides the status, power and wealth he had achieved?

It was the people Tim had met in his career who made the difference. The good and bad, the arrogant and meek, the friends and back stabbers who added color and richness to the tapestry of Tim's career.

Tim travels back in time remembering these people in stories spanning 40 years and international locations in Europe, South America, Asia/Pacific and North America. The colorful characters, intrigue, humor and warmth of the relationships come alive in exciting locations around the world.

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Price: $1.99 USD


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