African Safari Adventures (Chinese)

Join us on an accidental trip to a wild animal park that turned into a lifelong adventure. Our team, consisting of a doctor and nurse with voluntary spirits from a local hospital in a southwestern small town, merges their visit with the lively and sometimes hazardous encounters in the wildlife park. Meet interesting characters, discover breathtaking experiences, and embark on a journey with us through exotic Eastern Africa in mini planes and hunting vehicles, making this trip an unforgettable story of excitement and adventure.

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About the Author: Thomas Walsh
Born and raised in Chicago, the author, a retired business executive, now an author, rancher and olive and grape grower, developed a strong desire to travel from frequent and far-ranging business trips. Raised in a big city, he dreamt of learning about and experiencing nature and wilderness.<br><br>The author married these two passions into many high adventure travels with his wife and children over the past 30 years. On safari and wilderness trips - canoeing, kayaking, white-water rafting, mountain climbing and backpacking, the author and his wife and children have experienced the joys of nature and adventure travel together.<br><br>The author and his wife reside in Santa Barbara, California.

请尽情阅读在乌干达西南部小镇的一家医院做志愿者的感受,以及在卢旺达徒步跋涉山地大猩猩、在肯尼亚崎岖的北部边境骑骆驼、在肯尼亚东南部神奇的非洲 "绿色丘陵 "狩猎、在坦桑尼亚恩戈罗恩戈罗火山口的失落世界、坦桑尼亚神秘的流沙、在塞伦盖蒂平原与野生动物亲密接触以及标志性的野马大迁徙的刺激和冒险经历。


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