American Women's Rights Movement:: A Chronology of Events and of Opportunities from 1600 to 2008

This book chronicles over 140 pivotal events that have advanced women's civil rights and opportunities in the U.S. From local impacts to national reverberations, it explores women's evolving roles in society. The narrative spans from Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer to figures like Condoleezza Rice and Oprah Winfrey, divided into parts tracing the struggle from its early seeds to full bloom across centuries. It's a testament to female leadership and progress in the fight for equality.

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About the Author: Paul D. Buchanan
Paul Buchanan is an active social worker and an author of two other books. He lives in California.
More than 140 entries in this book depict events which have had lasting national significance in opening opportunities in the struggle for equal civil rights and opportunities for women. The impact of many of the included events was initially felt on a local level; but in time it created repercussions that spread across the country. These stories show women assuming roles of providers and heads of households, and their leadership, exerted in and outside the home, would often manifest in the community at large and, in turn, in the nation and in the world.The book is divided into four parts: One: The Seeds Are planted; Two: 19th Century - The Movement Takes Root; Three: 20th Century - Reaching for the Sunlight; Four: 21st Century - Coming into Full Bloom. The book begins with Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer and ends with Condoleezza Rice, Nancy Pelosi, Oprah Winfrey, and Sarah Palin.

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Price: $29.95 USD


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