Apocalypse 101 (For Catholics, Scoffers, and the Utterly Clueless)

Why does it feel like chaos rules our world, with escalating global warming, natural disasters, and conflicts? From doomsday predictions to ancient prophecies, it seems we're in for even more turbulent times. But understanding what's happening and why offers a chance to prevail. This critical guide explains the underlying causes of today's crises, predicts what's next, and outlines survival strategies. Regardless of your beliefs, this book will challenge, inform, and prepare you for what lies ahead. Get ready to be awakened and equipped to face the future with confidence.

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About the Author: David Beckish
A voice crying out in the wilderness.
Are you wondering why the world seems to be hurdling out of control? Why global warming, storms, earthquakes, wars, famines, disasters all seem to be happening more frequently and with greater intensity?

Add to all of that, the doomsday prophecies like Dec. 21, 2012, or the prophecies of Nostradamus, you've got a recipe for major heartburn if not a total nervous breakdown.

Well the bad news is, it's going to get worse (much worse) before it gets better. The good news is, if you know what's going to happen and why, you can position yourself to come out on top.

This is literally a matter of life and death (eternal life and death). This book will step you through the reasons why things are happening the way they are in the world, what's yet to come, and what you need to do to save yourself and your loved ones.

Catholics, this is going to rock your world!

Scoffers, you won't be so sure of your beliefs when you're done with this book.

Utterly clueless, PAY ATTENTION! You might just learn something for once.

All, we'll have some fun going through this amazing and exciting stuff, and you'll be ready for it!

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Price: $9.95 USD


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