Apostolic Governance In The 21st Century: How To Build A World-Class Apostolic Center

"Apostolic Governance" by Greg offers insights into the spiritual and leadership aspects of running a ministry in the new apostolic age. It is a practical guide for building ministries that do more than pastor congregations; they have social and economic influence, shaping cultures and transforming cities. This book aims to expand our understanding of what's possible in advancing the Kingdom of God, guiding readers to create impactful Kingdom communities.

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About the Author: Greg Wallace
As president of KG Ministries and a thought leader on transformation, Greg Wallace prepares the ground and paves the way for Kingdom advancement. KG Ministries equips leaders to advance the Kingdom of God and maximizes the impact of ministries in their spheres of influence. Greg helps apostolic leaders give shape and put language to what the Kingdom of God looks like in the 21st century. He regularly speaks, writes, teaches, and consults on church reformation, societal transformation, and apostolic governance.
"Greg has been led of the Holy Spirit to capture what the Lord is doing in this new apostolic age" says Che Ahn. Apostolic Governance provides insight into the spiritual, leadership, administrative, and legal dynamics of governing a ministry apostolically. It is a how-to guide of building healthy ministries that advance the Kingdom of God. Apostolic Governance takes us beyond pastoring local congregations to creating communities of expanding influence with social and economic impact. It’s a blueprint for building powerful and healthy apostolic ministries that enlarge our perception regarding what is possible. God has called us to bring heaven to earth. With an apostolic mindset, our Kingdom communities can shape cultures, transform cities, and disciple nations.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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