Beloved Daughter: One Woman's Shadow Journey to Find Value In Herself and Bring Healing and Forgiveness

"Joyce B Boudreau's memoir unveils her transformative journey from a childhood marred by violence to finding self-value and forgiveness. She delves into overcoming 'shadow beliefs' stemming from early trauma, towards embracing herself fully. Her story, laden with wisdom and insights, is a beacon for women on paths of healing and self-discovery. This book celebrates the power of self-love and acceptance after years of struggle, making it a must-read for those seeking to reclaim their worth."

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About the Author: Joyce Boudreau
Joyce Boudreau is an Integrative Life Coach Professional. She received her certification through the JFK University in 2007 at the Ford Institute in California in three models of coaching. The Ford Institute was founded by Joyce's mentor and teacher New York bestselling author Debbie Ford. Debbie Ford developed and teaches this unique method of shadow coaching. Joyce also has a Diploma in Ministry from St. Francis University.

She lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, with her husband where she has a coaching practice. Her passion is creating a safe, compassionate space where she guides people back to living life more authentically and fully present. Most importantly she teaches people to see their value.

She is a mother, grandmother and one of her favourite things to do is spend time with friends and family. She is deeply inspired by nature especially the plant world. One of her passions is wild crafting herbs for teas and herbal remedies. She also loves to garden, walk on the beach and watch the sun rise and set each day she can. Joyce also loves moving her body by dancing, qi gong and yoga.

Joyce's greatest credential that she walks the talk, not perfectly but as Michael J Fox says "I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for, perfection is God's business."
This book is about one woman's shadow journey to find value in herself, that brought healing and forgiveness. How she changed her story from being a victim of childhood abuse into a powerful celebration of being a woman.

This is a memoire of Joyce B Boudreau's life. She lived the first 7 years of her life with a very violent father. Because of this she had many conscious and unconscious negative beliefs about life, the world around her and her value as a woman. She calls these shadow beliefs. In this book she tells her story and also shares many of the ways in which she finally found peace and forgiveness. This truly is a book for any woman who is on a journey of healing and discovery. She shares wisdom and insights that she has learned along the way that created a powerful healing. She finally loves who she sees in the mirror. Her passion is for every woman to discovery this kind of self-love and acceptance.

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Price: $8.99 USD


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