About the Author: Lindsay Tighe
Lindsay Tighe is a successful and highly regarded speaker, businesswoman, author and coach who is passionate about inspiring people to improve their own lives and the lives of others. Her unique blend of experience with life, the corporate world, establishing and running her own business, formal qualifications and genuine love of people give her the ability to inspire and really make a difference to others. In this book she shares the wisdom gained from her life's journey (so far!) with real passion, compassion and a desire to make the world a better place.
Described as inspirational, wise and intuitive, Lindsay lives and breathes the philosophy that if you ask a better question you will get a better answer. She is committed to changing the world by helping people to have more empowered thoughts and conversations with each other in order to tap into their own wisdom.
Lindsay holds an MBA from Macquarie Graduate School of Management and regularly speaks at a variety of functions. She has appeared on Channel 7's Sunrise and Morning Show programs and has been featured in national publications such as Woman's Day, Good Health & Medicine, New Idea and the Qantas In-flight Magazine.
Lindsay lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband Michael and two little dogs, Wilson and Becky.

Whether you're dealing with the ‘Terrible Two's' or a ‘Troubled Teenager', this easy-to-read book will help transform your relationship with your kids . . . and everyone else in the family for that matter!
Written for parents who want to be even better than they already are, this book will enable you to recognise unconscious patterns of advice‑giving and telling that may not be the best response for your kids; helping you to learn when and how to use questions that lead to positive change in your child's behaviour, resulting in them thinking and acting in a completely different way.
Comments from Parents who have used the Better Questions technique:
"I no longer had to tell a tearful child what to do all of the time!" -- Age: 5 yrs
"My relationship with my teenage daughter was transformed by using Better Questions." -- Age: 18 yrs
"I was calm and happy and my daughter was excited that her friend was coming over to stay -- a sleepover success story that was driven by Mum staying calm and asking a Better Question!" -- Age: 10 yrs
"The conversation finished up with my daughter thanking me for my help and stating that she felt really clear and confident about what she now needed to do. I am delighted!" -- Age: 16 yrs
"Now I always think twice about what is the best approach to take and I have realised that asking can also be a very powerful way for my son to learn" -- Age: 6 yrs
Start reading today and learn how to ask Better Questions, become a Better Parent and be amazed at the results (and bring
harmony to your household!).
Join the Parenting Revolution, become a Potentialiser and bring out the Amazingness in your kids!
POTENTIALISER -- po·ten·ti·a·li·ser
Meaning: Releaser of amazingness in others