About the Author: Martin F. Luthke,
Dr. Martin Luthke is a clinical psychologist with a strong metaphysical bent as well as a very practical side. He is a carpenter and cabinetmaker by training, has been a researcher, author, and teacher in the area of psychology, and for the past 20 years a psychotherapist and metaphysical teacher and healer.
Martin is married to a wonderful woman, Linda Stein-Luthke, who is a metaphysical teacher, author, healer, and channel of the Ascended Masters. The communications with the Masters have contributed immeasurably to the insights contained in this book.
Dr. Luthke has (co-) authored numerous books and articles in the field of Applied Metaphysics, healing, and psychology.

"Beyond Psychotherapy: Introduction to Pychoenergetic Healing" shows you how to work effectively with healing energies to heal...
> Body, mind, and spirit
> Past or present life trauma
> Anxiety, anger, addictions, depression
> Pain and other physical complaints
> Relationship issues
> Past and present experiences
> Spiritual crises
You will learn about the theoretical foundations of energy healing, specific techniques and applications, and the risks and benefits of becoming a healer. Clearly and concisely written, Beyond Psychotherapy offers profound and practical information for anyone interested in energy-based healing methods. This book also is the textbook for students of Psychoenergetic Healing.
About the Authors
Psychoenergetic Healing: A Brief Introduction
PART I: Metaphysical Foundations of Psychoenergetic Healing
Chapter 1: Fundamental Premises
Chapter 2: The Multidimensional Nature of Human Beings
Chapter 3: The Grand Scheme, Reincarnation, and Karma
Chapter 4: Co-creation and Manifestation
Chapter 5: Toward a New Paradigm of Healing
PART II: The Practice of Psychoenergetic Healing
Chapter 6: The Nature of Inner Space
Chapter 7: The Structure of Psychoenergetic Healing Sessions
Chapter 8: A Sample Session
Chapter 9: Accessing Inner Space
Chapter 10: Navigating Inner Space
Chapter 11: Typical Perceptions in Inner Space
Chapter 12: Simple and Crystallized Energy Blocks
Chapter 13: How to Deal with Energy Blocks
Chapter 14: Specific Techniques to Facilitate Healing
Chapter 15: Closure and Integration
Chapter 16: Homework and Aftercare
Chapter 17: Specific Applications of Psychoenergetic Healing
Chapter 18: Absentee Healing of Others and of Extended Situations
Chapter 19: Healing of Relationships
Chapter 20: The Issue of Psychic Hygiene
Chapter 21: Miscellaneous Topics
Chapter 22: Complementary Healing Techniques
PART III: Becoming a Psychoenergetic Healer
Chapter 23: Training in Psychoenergetic Healing
Chapter 24: Risks and Benefits of Becoming an Energetic Healer
Chapter 25: The Process of Transformation and Change
Appendix A: Energy Psychology -- A Synopsis
Appendix B: Reading Suggestions
Appendix C: Other Books by the Authors