Birds In the Calendar

The woodpigeon, seen as a curse by farmers similar to rabbits in Australia or locusts in Algeria, is a competitor for crops. Without sentiment, farmers in the West Country view it as a pest needing eradication, akin to Carthage to Cato the Censor. Primarily targeted in February, when most shooting ceases, its challenging flight intrigues hunters, marking it as a distinct adversary for both farmers and sportsmen alike.

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About the Author: F. G. Aflalo
F. G. Aflalo
THE woodpigeon is many things to many men. To the farmer, who has some claim to priority of verdict, it is a curse, even as the rabbit in Australia, the lemming in Norway, or the locust in Algeria. The tiller of the soil, whose business brings him in open competition with the natural appetites of such voracious birds, beasts, or insects, regards his rivals from a standpoint which has no room for sentiment; and the woodpigeons are to our farmers, particularly in the well-wooded districts of the West Country, even as Carthage was to Cato the Censor, something to be destroyed.

It is this attitude of the farm er which makes the woodpigeon pre-eminently the bird of February. All through the shooting season just ended, a high pigeon has proved an irresistible temptation to the guns, whether cleaving the sky above the tree-tops, doubling behind a broad elm, or suddenly swinging out of a gaunt fir. Yet it is in February , when other shooting is at an end and the coverts no longer echo the fusillade of the....

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