Change Your Thinking Pattern and Attitude: Your Personal Guide to Positive Behavior Change

Life often becomes difficult, leading to negative changes that erode our mental state. This book serves as a guide to altering your outlook and attitude, emphasizing the need for motivation and desire to foster positive change. Through time and perseverance, you can move beyond negativity towards a brighter future. It provides insights on self-improvement but ultimately, the decision to change lies with you. Embrace this journey towards a positive transformation, believing in the results you seek.

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About the Author: Brian Azarenka
Currently living within the heart of New York City, Brian Azarenka was the typical college dropout during his second year in college. He spent his early years living through his paychecks while he allowed himself to submit to his own failures. However, after hearing a short motivational speech that his best friend had forced him to attend, Brian felt that it was about time he did something with his life. After many years of trial and error, he was slowly able to rise back on his feet. He ended up attending CUNY and earned himself a degree in Business Management.
It has been repeatedly stated that life is difficult and that people change over time throughout the course of their life. Unfortunately, that change is usually not one that is beneficial to the person. Rather, it is a negative change that slowly erodes a person's mental state. Soon enough, they become sick and tired of themselves and desire a positive change. Of course, the best way to change a person's outlook on life is to change their attitude.

Normally, change requires time and perseverance. Without the motivation and desire to change, you cannot hope to change. That is why this book will act as your guide, helping you change your outlook and attitude in life. Soon, you'll be able to leave those negative aspects of yours behind and move on to a more positive future. Of course, in order for you to be able to see the results of your efforts, you must first believe that you can obtain the results that you desire.

This book will simply be a guide for you to understand what you can do to change yourself. However, at the end of the book, the decision will rest on you because the first step towards change is your decision.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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