Chronicle of a Silence Endured

"Chronicle of a Silence Endured" delves into the saga of a protagonist haunted by childhood abuse, exploring the psychological and spiritual trials over 35 years of self and family-imposed silence. It intricately combines fiction with detailed research, offering enlightenment and entertainment. This narrative addresses universal themes, marking its significance and relevance.

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About the Author: Guido Verona
Guido Verona is a current Masters degree student in the Clinical Psychology program at Teachers College, Columbia University. He is very passionate about integrating current psychological thought and research with spirituality. He believes in tackling tough topics head on and taking risks, as this book clearly illustrates. A writer since childhood, he is also an avid hiker and deep thinker. This is his first book.
"Chronicle of a Silence Endured" is a highly intriguing and deeply woven fictional piece. It chronicles the psychological and spiritual trials that befall the 'hero' as he moves through life bound by the stigma of his childhood abuse. The result is a self-imposed and family-reinforced sentence of intolerable silence across 35 years of his life. The complex events that unfold are further explained applying highly-detailed psychological and spiritual research and theory. The work offers new knowledge, entertainment, and inspiration. The events and topics that arise here are becoming increasingly universal, and that is what makes the piece so important and so relevant.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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