In 2046, Earth teeters between destruction and renewal as the prophesied apocalypse unfolds. Major Phoenix Bates is torn between duty and love under a one-world government. With five seals broken and tribulation imminent, Bates faces a choice: betray his beliefs or lose his love. Amid plagues and chaos, he must find the courage to stand for what is right in a world on the brink.

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In 2046, Earth hangs in the balance—caught between destruction and renewal. The prophesied apocalypse from the Book of Revelation has unleashed chaos, and Major Phoenix Bates finds himself torn between duty and love. Under a one-world government ruled by ten kings, only a few brave Christians and Jewish rebels dare to defy the regime.Five seals have already been broken; the sixth is imminent, and the seventh will unleash a seven-year tribulation from God. The first half brings the terrifying plagues of the six trumpets, leading to the second half, which will release the seventh trumpet, that is, the seven bowls of God’s wrath.Amidst this turmoil, Major Bates faces an agonizing choice: betray his deepest beliefs or sacrifice the love of his life. As humanity teeters on the brink, one question echoes louder than the chaos: Are we truly ready to choose between God and this world? There is no middle ground.Join Bates on an electrifying journey of faith, love, and survival in a new world. Will he find the courage to stand for what is right when everything hangs in the balance?

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Price: $4.99 USD


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