Circuit Hikes of Southern Arizona

Explore Southern Arizona's trails with "Circuit Hikes of Southern Arizona". Robert Zimmerman's guidebook offers 32 detailed hikes, from toddler-friendly paths to challenging treks. Each trail includes a topo map, route-finding tips, and insights into the region's history and geology. Discover well-known routes and hidden gems alike.

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About the Author: Robert Zimmerman
Robert Zimmerman is an award-winning science journalist and historian who has written four books and numerous articles on science, engineering, and the history of space exploration and technology.

His first book, Genesis:the Story of Apollo 8, tells the family and political story behind the first manned mission to another world.

Zimmerman's most recent book, THE UNIVERSE IN A MIRROR: THE SAGA OF THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE AND THE VISIONARIES WHO BUILT IT (Princeton University Press), tells the story of the people who conceived, built, and saved the Hubble Space Telescope. His previous book, LEAVING EARTH: SPACE STATIONS, RIVAL SUPERPOWERS, AND THE QUEST FOR INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL (Joseph Henry Press), was awarded the American Astronautical Society's Eugene M. Emme Astronautical Literature Award in 2003 as the best space history for the general public.

His magazine and newspaper articles have appeared in Science, Astronomy, Air & Space, Sky & Telescope, Natural History, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Wired, Invention & Technology, and a host of other publications. In 2000 he was co-winner of the David N. Schramm Award, given by the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society for Science Journalism, for his essay in The Sciences, "There She Blows," on the 35-year-old astronomical mystery of gamma ray bursts.

In addition to his writing, Mr. Zimmerman is a cave explorer and cartographer, and has participated in numerous projects exploring and mapping previously unknown caves across the eastern United States.
"Circuit Hikes of Southern Arizona" is an easy-to-use guidebook, describing the many circuit hikes hidden in the mountains surrounding Tucson and throughout southern Arizona.

The guide includes 32 specific hikes with an additional two dozen options, with hikes ranging from so easy you can take your toddlers to so strenuous you will want to train for weeks beforehand. Each hike comes with an easy-to-read topo map, as well as detailed instructions for route-finding. The guide also provides information about the best seasons to do each hike as well as general information about the history and geology of the surrounding mountains.

The guide not only includes some of the best known circuit hikes of southern Arizona, it also includes a number of previously unpublished trails that take you to places rarely seen by most hikers.

The author, Robert Zimmerman, is an award-winning science journalist and space historian who likes to spend his weekends hiking, caving, and in general exploring the hidden outdoor gems of the American southwest.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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