Dive into a detailed commentary on Revelation, featuring verse-by-verse analysis with supporting charts, images, and maps. This guide explores controversial passages, enriched by side notes inspired directly by the text. It primarily uses the Authorized KJV 1769 Translation, with occasional reference to the Textus Receptus for enhanced understanding.

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About the Author: Andre Dellerba
A follower of Yeshua (Jesus), a family man and a member of Mensa. Authored various books such as Holy Gospels in One and Hear God's Voice.
Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.SO THEN BECAUSE THOU ART LUKEWARM, AND NEITHER COLD NOR HOT – Cold is not cold in spirit as the only references to this Greek word “cold” is related to cold water to drink, something to be desired when thirsty (Matt. 10:42; Sept. Prov. 25:25). Cold is good. The Greek word for “hot” is also related to water but more specifically “boiling hot” for drinking enjoyment. Adversely, the Messenger himself is neither cold or hot but lukewarm, probably due to the fact that he is not relying on Yeshua nor enjoying Yeshua (Rev. 3:17).I WILL SPUE THEE OUT OF MY MOUTH – “I will” is better translated “I should”. “Spue” means “vomit with force” (similar Sept. Isa. 19:14). Therefore Yeshua “should vomit” the Messenger out of His mouth and therefore no longer be a part of Him (similar to Matt. 25:42-45).

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