About the Author: Jitendra Patel
Jitendra Patel(DOB:26th April 1981) grew up in one of a small village of Gujarat State, completed his Primary Education in his own village school. He completed distincted his Graduation in Computer Science from M.S.University Of Baroda and Post Graduation from Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad. He has been teaching technical students for many years in various Engineering Colleges of Gujarat State. His first book published through local state publisher was "Programming in Visual Basic 6.0" in 2007 and was accepted by wide range of readers. In 2008, He published two more technical subject books for this field readers in Java Programming and C# Programming. Till date he has continued publishing books for students in Computer engineering and information technology . Mean while he has been also efforted in publishing Technical Papers in National and International Conferences and successfully published 5 papers in various proceedings. He is also a life member of CRSI(Cryptography Research Society of India) since 2009. Also, the EDAS conference chair has selected as one of Reviewer for thier papers in conferences to him.

Computer Programming In C Language : Computer Programming In C Language teaches the generic Programming techniques using C programming language in an easy-to-follow style, without assuming previous experience in any other language. A variety of examples make learning these Concepts with C both fun and practical. This book is organized in such a manner that students and programmers with prior knowledge of Programming can find it easy, crisp and readable. Each Chapter contains many example programs throughout the book, along with additional examples for further practice.
Systematic approach throughout the book
Programming basics in C without requiring previous experience in another language
Simple language has been adopted to make the topics easy and clear to the readers
Topics have been covered with numerous illustrations and tested C programs
Enough examples have been used to explain various Programming Constructs effectively. This book also consists of tested programs so as to enable the readers to learn the logic of programming
Discusses all generic concepts of Computer Programming concepts such as Algorithms, Flowcharts, Conditional and Looping Structures and Array in detail with aided examples
Use of Various Programming terms like variables and expressions, functions are simplified
A number of diagrams have been provided to clear the concepts in more illustrative way
Provides exercises, review questions and exercises as the end of each chapter equipped with many questions in various patterns and numerous programming exercises
Samples are presented in easy to use way through Turbo C 3.0.