Cordite & Testosterone - Why Men Should Not Be Running the World

The essence of global turmoil is examined, revealing how male excesses, fueled by greed, hatred, and ruthless brutality, dominate the world. This insight challenges the narrative that male needs or the welfare of women and children are prioritized, exposing a harsh reality of power imbalance and injustice.

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About the Author: Cecilia Tanner
Cecilia Tanner has lived on the Pacific West Coast all her life where she has authored 5 books including the text Writing for Engineering, (McGraw-Hill Ryerson,1993). She taught English Literature and writing skills in the business school, and the faculties of arts, education, computers, and engineering at the University of Victoria.

Ms Tanner was active in politics briefly, has a private pilot license, is an accomplished artist, and has especially enjoyed tennis, skiing and kayaking for recreation. She has always been a keen observer and commentator of the human condition.
We see the bloodshed, the hatred, the greed, the ruthless brutality in the world, and then we look to see who is making or letting this madness happen. We find that male excesses, not male needs -- certainly not women's and children's needs -- drive the world.

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Price: $6.00 USD


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