Seeking immunity from COVID19 chaos? This book offers a unique escape into witty prose, rhymes, and free-form poetry, providing a mental break from pandemic worries. Dive into these pages for a dose of humor and wisdom, while keeping your social distance. Let your mind wander vaccine-free zones and discover a lighter perspective on our shared situation. Please enjoy responsibly, at least two meters apart.

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About the Author: RickthePoetWarrior
Rick was born in New Brunswick, Canada, the middle child of five siblings. He held a variety of interesting jobs: he was a Streaker before going to work for the Boy Scouts, and then got his degree in programming. He also worked in Egypt as a peacemaker for a year before heading back to Canada. “Half Irish, half Polish, I like forcing the round peg into the square hole, just to piss off my counsel.”

Stuck inside yourself yet want to stick it to someone else?

Interest priqued yet?

Here's just the cure for your isolated more.

With witty prose, rhyme, and free form you can isolate your mind from the worries and woes of this endemic pandemic.

Just scan these little germs of wisdom with a vaccinuous mind and you will find your kith might not be so kined as you thought.

Oh, and please stay away at least two meters.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .pdf

Price: $2.95 USD


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