About the Author: Elaine Voci
"I want to be thoroughly used up when I die...life is no 'brief candle' to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations." -- George Bernard Shaw
Elaine Voci, Ph.D. shares Mr. Shaw's life philosophy and is an experienced workshop facilitator, the author of three other inspirational and educational books and four cookbooks, and a life skills coach. She holds advanced degrees in Behavioral Science, Rehabilitation Counseling, and Human Resource Management and is a graduate of the Indianapolis Gestalt Institute. She would admit how long she's been a career coach, except that would take you straight to her age -- something she advises against sharing in a job interview.
Elaine maintains a private life coaching practice in Carmel, Indiana and works with individuals as well as groups; she specializes in career coaching, life skills workshops and writes a blog linked to her website. She leads workshops on the power of intention, forgiveness, and gratitude using the Intent Heals Journal and is a certified Forgiveness Coach. A natural educator, Elaine also hosts special events, such as the series, "An Evening With," featuring women authors, entrepreneurs and social innovators.
Elaine believes that service to others is the rent we pay for our life on earth. She is actively engaged in community service including hospice volunteer work and contributing to various charities. She attributes her life philosophy to the role models of her generous and loving Italian immigrant grandparents and parents who taught by example that we are, truly, our brothers' keepers.

Unhappy in your current career? Do you lack clarity, vision, or courage when you try to imagine yourself doing work that's soul satisfying? Are you reluctant to learn new things in order to reinvent yourself? This book is designed to help you find your right livelihood.
In today's marketplace, we all need to adopt a mindset of the self-employed individual and accept responsibility for being our own boss, even when we work for someone else. The old "social contract" has been broken and replaced with one that holds independence (making individual contributions) and interdependence (collaboration with others) as its core elements.
This book provides answers, facts, inspirational essays, and -- most importantly -- an opportunity for you to explore your heart's true desires. Elaine Voci, Ph.D. brings superb writing skills, and a fascinating work history of 30 years in which she changed careers -- not just jobs- more than six times, including one that meant moving to Japan. Elaine has successfully practiced in her own career what she is going to teach you about reinventing yourself.
In this book you will be helped to explore:
* How to use your talents, interests and values to mobilize your career
* The decision to go back to school, or not -- and the value and the absolute need for continual skill building through learning
* The power of networking and the hidden job market
* How to express your authentic self on your resume
* Preparing for successful interviews - actions you need to know and master