
"Dampness" is a poignant poetry collection exploring the arduous quest for creativity amidst a void of inspiration. Venturing into life’s coldest, darkest corners, it illuminates the struggle and triumph of finding muses in the ordinary. This work bravely delves into discomfort to seize the elusive spark of creativity, inviting readers on a journey to discovery through its verses.

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About the Author: Jasen Sousa
Jasen has sold thousands of his books throughout the United States. He frequently travels across the country making guest appearances at book shows, high schools and colleges to talk about his life, his writing and future visions he has for his company, J-Rock Publishing. Jasen graduated from Emerson College in Boston with a Bachelor’s Degree in Writing, Literature and Publishing, and just recently graduated from Pine Manor College where he attained his MFA in Creative Writing.
Dampness is a collection of poems detailing the struggle to find creativity when it escapes your thoughts and eludes your surroundings. Finding inspiration in everyday life can be a challenge, and sometimes one must search within some of the coldest, darkest, and dampest crevices in order to locate it. Dampness' poems and its author unflinchingly travel to uncomfortable places in order to break through to the other side.

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Price: $11.99 USD


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