Destroying the Spirit of Poverty

Discover how to overcome life's invisible battles and live in abundance as promised by Jesus Christ. This guide teaches you to identify and demolish the enemy's strongholds, wielding your spiritual weapons for lasting victory. Embrace your identity as a conqueror through Jesus' resurrection and walk in the victory He secured for you. "Destroying the Spirit of Poverty" is set to transform you and your family’s future, becoming a pivotal resource for generations.

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About the Author: Jane Turner
Walter and Jane Turner were born again in 1981 and came into the kingdom of God. Jesus planted them in a faith-filled church where they learned who they were in Christ Jesus. They were taught the power of the spoken word of God and how to use all manner of prayer to live a victorious life. Walter and Jane currently serve as associate pastors at the Lighthouse Word Church in Chiefland, Florida, and as leaders in the body of Christ in their community.
Learn how you, too, can root out and tear down this enemy's strongholds in your life and begin living the overcoming, overflowing life of abundance that Jesus Christ has promised you in His word. Learn how to use the weapons of your warfare to gain a lasting victory over this invisible enemy.

Jesus has made you more than a conqueror and overcomer in this life through His death, burial, and resurrection. Learn how to walk in the great victory He has purchased for your life. Destined to become a reference source, Destroying the Spirit of Poverty will forever change you and your family's lives for generations.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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