Down a Country Lane

In 1948, a jack-of-all-trades and his large family arrive in Queensland's Darling Downs to start anew on a small farm. Their story unfolds with hardship and humor, living in near-primitive conditions. The father battles lung cancer, while a son faces the horrors of the Vietnam War. Amidst suffering and struggle, a mother's unwavering love and devotion hold the family together, showcasing their resilience and bond. This book captures the essence of their extraordinary life, marked by poverty, laughter, and love.

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About the Author: Gary Blinco
Gary Blinco grew up in the bush on the Darling Downs in Queensland during the fifties and early sixties. His large family existed in poverty stricken and primitive circumstances in those days, and the author credits his harsh beginnings with his insight into landscapes and
the human condition. He is also a Vietnam Veteran, having completed two tours of duty as an infantry soldier after being conscripted during the National Service era of the sixties and early seventies.

He has written six books and has been published in Australia and North America
In the winter of 1948, a poorly educated jack-of-all-trades moved his ever- increasing family to a small vegetable crops' farm on the Darling Downs, in Queensland. They arrived in a horse and wagon to begin an extraordinary life of hardship and challenge in the bush.
This book follows the harsh life of poverty that is eclipsed by the threads of dry humour, love and warmth that embraces a large closely-knit family. The living conditions endured are almost primitive, even for the nineteen fifties, as they fight to carve an existence from the land.
His father's lingering fight with lung cancer compounds the pain of his own battle, as a National Service Soldier in the Vietnam War. The accounts of the war are graphic and poignant, and could only emerge from one who has experienced the frightening reality of combat. Highlighted through the suffering and dreams is a mother's undying devotion to her family, as she struggles to raise them, more or less on her own.

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Price: $6.00 USD


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