DREAM CATCHERS - Nature Meets Digital: Expandable ePhotography

Discover the wonder in unique dream catchers and dreams, just like no two snowflakes are alike. Dreams, sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet, are like a rare Scotch—acquired yet irresistible. Everything you need is within; add a dream and reach for the stars. With stunning photography, this book allows you to explore nature’s intricate beauty. Inspired by the Grandmother Spider legend, it blends light, subject, and time, inviting you to become part of the image's ecology. Engage with each photograph on your tablet or device and let the journey through nature’s precision awaken your dreams.

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About the Author: Barbara Kennedy
Barbara Kennedy spent several years at New York Medical College, in the Graduate School of Health Sciences, creating preventive programs for organizations and community partnerships. With a Master’s Degree in Public Health (MPH) in Behavioral Science, and a Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work (MSW) from Arizona State University’s School of Public Programs, she creates stories for all ages and families that teach diversity, cooperation, and understanding.

She is Director of “Prevention Through Education,” a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring learning of at-risk people of all ages and cultures.

Madison Avenue Publishers LLC is an eBook Boutique.
Fiction, Non-fiction, Art, Photography, Education, and InfoGraphics.

Look inside a thing to know its wonder. Just like snowflakes, no two dream catchers--or dreams--are alike. Stick out your tongue and catch one on the very tip of it. Lick it. Roll it around on your tongue. Awaken your palate. Then take a bigger bite. Worst case, you’ll spit it out. Most likely, you’ll be back. It may take a while. We tend to fight it; it hurts so good. Dreams are sometimes bitter, sometimes sweet. But like a rare single malt Scotch in a crystal tumbler, you acquire a taste for it. You will want more. You will be back. Guaranteed.

Everything you need has already been given to you. All you need to add is a dream and shake. Look up. Reach out. Catch a dream, ride a wave. Worst case, you fall out of bed.

This book is best when downloaded onto a tablet or device where you can play with the photographs and expand them in order to travel through them and view the precision inner workings of nature.

"Ancient legend originates with the Grandmother Spider, who sang the universe into existence but was saddened by the dreams of children."

Photography is a marriage of light, subject, and time. An image is frozen in time, in a particular light, at a fractional moment, through a particular lens, and viewed by you. Thus, you become part of the ecology of the image. As you own the emotion evoked by the image, the original energy that snapped the camera in the first place, is re-energized and lives on in the energy you give to it, as the image continues to sensate. –The Ecology of Photography

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .mobi

Price: $7.99 USD


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