Dynamic Balance: Secrets of Success Exposed

Ever regretted a decision because you missed crucial considerations? This book guides you in making informed decisions and effective plans by ensuring you consider all critical factors first. Learn to apply this flexible concept in various scenarios, from business strategies to daily choices. Start making better decisions today for success in every aspect of your life. An easy, informative read to enhance your planning and decision-making process.

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About the Author: Benjamin Tio
Benjamin Tio is a mechanical engineer by training from the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. He has been privileged to be part of the top Information Technology companies in the world in various sales and marketing roles. He spent more than 25 years including 17 years with Microsoft in the Information Technology industry.

Through the years, he has gained much insights on how the world works and how balance play a very important part of our lives, our work and our surroundings. He realized that we can learn from balance and leverage it to make better decisions. He has designed the framework to leverage the phenomenon of balance to make informed decisions and plans for personal success.
Have you ever made a decision or executed a plan that fell short of your expectations? Many times when we ponder why, we realised we missed out certain key considerations and factors.

How we wish we could turn the clock back to consider them in our decision and plans? Well it is obvious we cannot do that. So the next best thing is to make sure we have all the key information, considerations and factors listed in the first place before making that important decision or building the plan.

This book is informative, easy to read and will guide you step by step in making better informed decisions, building and executing your plans for success.

You would be surprised that this concept is flexible and can be applied to different scenarios from building business strategies or just making better decisions in your day to day lives.

Start making your best informed decisions and plans today!

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Price: $4.99 USD


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