Finding Your Frugal Way: Learn to Save Money, Live a Frugal life, and Fit It All Into Your Busy Lifestyle. No Dumpster Diving Required.

Discover how to live frugally and save money without changing your busy lifestyle or resorting to extreme measures. From avoiding costly birthday gifts with a clever stockpile method using department store coupons for free items, to bigger savings on everyday purchases, "Finding Your Frugal Way" is the ultimate guide to spending less and saving more. Learn to make the most of coupons and deals to stock up on gifts and essentials. Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to a life well below your means.

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About the Author: Staci Gerardi
Staci Gerardi is the Long Island Lady behind "November Sunflower: Frugal Blooms on Long Island." Always a frugal-minded woman, after finding herself unemployed with two children and living on ONE INCOME, this frugal-minded woman developed a FRUGAL LIFESTYLE.

By no means is her family cheap. They have just learned to stretch one paycheck farther than anyone could have imagined. While unemployed, her family was able to purchase their new home ON LONG ISLAND, which has one of the highest costs of living in the country. How many people can say that?

Living BELOW your means, truly knowing what you "want" out of life and having a real discipline to live a life YOU want, instead of a life EVERYONE ELSE seems to tell you that you should want to live, can be accomplished.

Staci has shared simple tips that will help you save money on YOUR terms. There's no need to dumpster dive for coupon books, or stockpile products you'll never use. The everyday, busy working family doesn't have time for those things. Staci breaks it down for you and everyone can do it!
Learn to save money, live a frugal life, and fit it all into your busy lifestyle. NO DUMPSTER DIVING REQUIRED.

I use to dread getting birthday part invites for my daughter's friends from school. All the money I had to spend on a gift, card and gift bag. Never getting a thank you card from the kid.

Well, NOT ANYMORE. I started using a great little trick to score FREE gifts and stockpile them. When the invites arrive, I don't flinch. I head to our stockpile and "shop" for the gift that'll fit the age and sex of the child whose birthday party we're invited to.

Want to learn how to get a stockpile of your very own? Simple. I use $10 off YOUR PURCHASE of $10 or MORE coupons I receive from local department stores. These coupons allow you to buy $10 worth of product and get $10 off. What does that equal? FREE STUFF. We get these coupons, at least, every other month from two separate department stores.

I bet many of you throw those bad boys away, or just think of them as $10 off a large purchase. Read all your coupons carefully! You're throwing away FREE STUFF.

Think that's a good trick? That's small potatoes compared to what I've got to teach you in Finding Your Frugal Way!

When you're shopping for gifts, household items, clothing, and really just about anything, there's always a way to SAVE MONEY. Finding Your Frugal Way is your guide to learning how to live not just within your means, but rather, BELOW your means.

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Price: $2.99 USD


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