Five Questions: Answers to Life's Greatest Mysteries

"Five Questions" explores life's big philosophical queries through a holistic lens, merging religious, philosophical, cultural, and scientific viewpoints for comprehensive answers. It delves into origins, existence of God and nature, the human soul's immortality, reasons behind pain and evil, and life's ultimate purpose, advocating for integrated understanding.

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About the Author: Philip Benguhe
From his earliest of days, Mr. Benguhe took great fascination in the world around him, both natural and technological; always seeking to understand reality's underlying principles. This led him to pursue engineering studies, obtaining a BSEE with a specialization in Coherent optics. While working in the holography lab at university, he came to appreciate both the power and intrinsic beauty behind a scientific approach to reality. However, as a recipient of a classical education, he was also exposed to the foundations of the western thought and the systematic study of questions related to our existence, Philosophy. It was during a class on Quantum Mechanics that the idea first came to Mr. Benguhe that the answers to deep philosophic questions need not be counter to scientific principles. At that point, Mr. Benguhe first began his attempt to reconcile the two. He married in 2000 and his daughter, Larisa, was born in 2002. He soon began to think about a legacy to leave Larisa, one that would share all that he had come to know. This book is the culmination of that endeavor. Mr. Benguhe currently works as a senior technologist in the alternative energy field.
Five Questions attempts to answer some of life's most basic and profound philosophic questions utilizing a holistic approach. The book offers the perspective that while individuals have attempted to answer these questions from a religious, philosophic, cultural or scientific perspective; the only hope at a more complete answer would arise from an integration of ideas from each of these areas.

The five key questions are:
Where did we come from?
Does God exist and what is His nature?
Does man have a soul which transcends death?
Why do pain suffering and evil exist?
What is the meaning of life?

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Price: $4.99 USD


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