Free At Last: Your Past May Look Dismal But the Future Is Bright!

In this insightful book, Ron and Nancy Rockey draw on personal experiences and their education to explore why we adopt behaviors that sabotage joy and relationships. Through stories of individuals like Sam, a convicted killer, and Rick, an alcoholic, the authors delve into how our origins and generational patterns influence our life paths, leading to issues such as illness, poor relationships, and crime. Offering more than just explanations, this book provides hope for overcoming these challenges.

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About the Author: Ron Rockey
Ron and Nancy have been married for 48 years. They have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren, some of whom live nearby. They have been in Pastoral Ministry, and most of their lives have taught thousands to recover from old wounds, so they can be free. Rockeys live in Alto, New Mexico.
People everywhere have questions about why life has dealt them a devastating blow, or why their thoughts and feelings lead them to behaviors which sabotage their joy and distance them from the very relationships they long for.

In this book, Ron and Nancy Rockey, who teach from personal experience and their advanced education, use the stories of themselves and others to teach the answers that most have been searching for:

Sam, a convicted killer,

Ron, an ex-con who lived as a loner from his infancy,

Rick, an alcoholic,

Mike who thought that his beginnings were perfect,

and several others, illustrate through their stories, how we develop thinking patterns and behaviors that hurt us and others.

So just what is it about our beginnings and about even generations before us, that sets us on a path to illness, poor relationships, criminal behavior and perhaps even early death?

You'll find the answers in this book. AND . . . you'll discover HOPE!

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Price: $9.99 USD


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