FRIENDSHIP: When It's Easy and When It's Not

Friendship: When It’s Easy and When It’s Not explores the broad spectrum of friendships, from supportive companions to those who challenge our patience. Kitty Chappell delves into types like sunny encouragers, energy-draining pessimists, critical voices, and more, questioning if we can befriend ex-relatives or even like ourselves better. Through candid interviews, Chappell offers insights on navigating these relationships, aiming to help readers distinguish and foster healthier connections. Discover how to deal with various friend types and become a better friend to others and yourself.

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About the Author: Kitty Chappell
Your first reaction when reading the writings of award-winning author Kitty Chappell, or listening to her as an international speaker, may be surprise. Surprise that an overcomer of a violently abusive childhood exudes such a transparent zest for life—comparing it with a joyful dance on the tips of her toes.

“Without God’s interaction at the core of my existence,” Kitty says, “life would not only be fearful, it would be downright meaningless! Living my life focused upon God is not a foot-dragging, stoop-shouldered, heavy-sighing spiritual obligation, nor is it a fearful score-keeping attempt to try and tip the scales of good deeds to outweigh the bad.” Rather, Kitty admits, “walking with God is like joyfully dancing on the tips of my toes, wide-eyed and eager to see what each day brings—secure in the knowledge that everything is under control beneath the watchful eye of our Heavenly Father. I wholeheartedly agree with Vivian Greene’s insightful quote:

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass—
it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
Friendship: When It’s Easy and When It’s Not. Let’s face it, everyone wants friends, but some individuals just don’t make it easy! Friendship: When It’s Easy And When It’s Not focuses on the different types of individuals in our lives: the sunny friends who encourage us, the negative friends who drain our energy, the critical friends who steal our confidence, the hurting friends seeking answers we can’t give, those incessant talkers who won’t let us get a word in edgewise, and what about ex-relatives? Can we remain friends with them? What if we don’t like ourselves? Can we become better friends with us? This “where the rubber meets the road” will help you discover answers.Author Kitty Chappell interviewed countless individuals who had much to offer on this timely topic. Their enthusiastically candid responses and nuggets of wisdom helped make this book the delightful and helpful read that it is. Friendship: When it’s Easy and When it’s Not.

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Price: $8.50 USD


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