Further Adventures of "Dirty Joe" Callihan: Catching Shoplifters and More Characters I Have Dealt With

Meet "Crazy Irishman" Joe Callihan, a self-made champion of justice in his thrilling book. Joe, a man of unyielding integrity, tackles thieves and jerks head-on, reflecting his demand for honesty. His adventures, drawn from real-life experiences in retail sales management and personal endeavors, are vividly recounted. From the gritty "Dirty Joe" Callihan saga to "Adventures in Navyland", each tale is a testament to living fearlessly and the joy of doing what's right. Join Joe as he inspires with his fearless quest for justice and integrity.

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About the Author: Joe Callihan
Man who ran away from God's call on his life to be used for His honor and glory. In 1999, the Holy Spirit spoke a warning asking if I was aware that I was on my way to being among the poorest of souls living in eternity in Heaven.

Shocked, I asked why. "Because you have spent decades running away from My call on your life." I knew i was indeed guilty. So i repented, praying, "Please Lord, before I must die, use me for Your honor & glory." I didn't know how, it was up to the Lord.

It took a year of praying, then one day i began to receive my first book: We Are Accountable. Since that time, I now have 18 books in various stages of completion. With an aggressive plan to get them all released to the public.

No longer am I running away, I am running to, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I have many powerful messages to share with the Body and bride of Christ. I am the modern day voice of one crying in the wilderness.
A self-made "Crazy Irishman" who was and is fearless on bringing bad guys to justice. Author Joe Callihan is a man who's placed a high value on his integrity, and when he will, and will not tolerate from jerks (such as thieves). Because this is true, and is a part of Joe's character flaws (possessing a demand for honesty); the kinds of adventures you will read about in this book really were encountered by the author during the course of his experiences in retail sales management, and in his personal life.

The Adventures of "Dirty Joe" Callihan, along with Further Adventures, just as Adventures in Navyland, speak volumes of a well lived life. It is the author's hope, these adventures will not only excite, but also will stimulate within each reader, a sense of right and wrong; with the emphasis on what a joy it is doing what is right - fearlessly.

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Price: $4.99 USD


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