About the Author: BuzzzzOff
About BuzzzzOff
The mental masturbation disgorgement (zero dosage) of less than professional albeit experienced, fun-loving albeit profound, opinionated albeit rational, dedicated to those MentalMasturbaters, GastroNaughties and VineNaughties of exceedingly discerning albeit not overly snobby palates. Say that three times fast
Despite the youthful semblance of Mrs. and immature character of Mr., we confirm having eclipsed a combined 100 years of age in 2015.
A dubious distinction, indeed, but just enough years to announce publicly with excessive confidence, or at least somewhat plausibly, that
* we have – for work or play – visited almost everywhere in the world (not too keen on the absent bits);
* we have been lucky enough to enjoy exceptional events snacking at a plethora of the world's most renowned restaurants (many more than once);
* we have sipped some of the worst and most of the best (and everything in between) wines on the planet;
* we have actively participated in more than a lot of truly inspirational charity programs in more than a dozen countries (altruism is nonsense...we did it because it made us feel really good); and, well,
* we have done business and/or broken bread and toasted The Noble Grape with more than 10,000 people residing in no less than 100 countries.
We think it fair to say we have "lived"...and we have been very, very lucky!
We met in 1991 when we were both young, a touch crazy and always seeking something to make us smile. We have been, non- stop, working, playing, sipping and snacking with each other ever since.
We each are exceedingly pleased to have met "our person".
We never, ever find ourselves bored with each other's company.
Au contraire, we prefer always to be with each other. Sounds a bit over-the-top and sappy?
We are good with that.
We started our serious sipping adventure in 1997 with a reasonably well-aged bottle of St. Julien that cost us a bit more – a lot more – than any wine we ever had tried.
We continued learning from friends, who grew up with families keen on sipping The Noble Grape...unlike our families.
We started attending wine tastings any and every time we were invited.
We planned holidays based on visits to wineries and restaurants.
We befriended and learned from some of the most experienced and globally recognized sommeliers and chefs at, not surprisingly, many of the world's most exceptional restaurants.
Et voila, we flourished...and will continue so to do
We are citizens of the World! We love our dog. We love each other.
We have decided to remain anonymous because we do not want anyone – be he/she a chef, winemaker, sommelier, friend or foe – to influence us. After all, if they do not know "us", they are safe.
We love to engage in and talk sipping 'n snacking.
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"GastoNaughties' Gallivant - Sipping'n Snacking - California Central Coast and Las Vegas" is not our first road trip. Trust us, the first trip will include a lot more "Ooops" and "Do's and Don't". We like to learn by experience! It is, however, our shortest trip. Hence, our first effort to publish together all our notes and photos. We are working on publishing GastroNaughties' Gallivant for other destinations... Stay tuned to this Bat Channel.
Hope you have as much fun reading this book as we had "gallivanting".
Until next time... Bon Vivant!
Warning: Our comments are based on our personal opinions, are not subject to the influence of others and, well, we occasionally can be brutally honest...for which we do not apologize.

Sipping'n Snacking California Central Coast and Las Vegas
When planning a visit to our family in the USA, we decided initially to parachute into California and Las Vegas for some sipping and snacking and catching up with old friends. After all, flying to the east coast of the USA from our home requires several, somewhat grueling flights and layovers and more than a day of travel if you are inclined to do so in one go. Well, we were in no hurry, and we detest hibernating in airplanes and airports for more than 36 hours...actually, we simply consider them a necessary evil.
Thus, we sat down more than three months in advance to plan our trip to California and Las Vegas. Searching, clicking, Google-mapping and, generally, learning that California is one very HUGE state! It was fun, educational and offered ample justification to sip good wine during the day as well as evening.
We started in San Francisco, worked our way south along US1 through the Central Coast (Big Sur, Paso Robles and Santa Barbara) and thereafter across the Mojave Desert to Las Vegas....sipping 'n snacking along the way.
"GastoNaughties' Gallivant - Sipping'n Snacking - California Central Coast and Las Vegas" is not our first road trip. Trust us, the first trip will include a lot more "Ooops" and "Do's and Don't". We like to learn by experience! It is, however, our shortest trip. Hence, our first effort to publish together all our notes and photos. We are working on publishing GastroNaughties' Gallivant for other destinations... Stay tuned to this Bat Channel.
Hope you have as much fun reading this book as we had "gallivanting".
Until next time...Bon Vivant!
Warning: Our comments are based on our personal opinions, are not subject to the influence of others and, well, we occasionally can be brutally honest...for which we do not apologize.