Get in the Water: An Introduction to Competitive Swimming and Coaching for Entry: Age Group, Triathlon, and Masters Athletes

Robert Boder’s "Get in the Water" serves as a comprehensive guide for coaches, athletes, and parents on the basics of competitive swimming. This book covers essential skills from performing strokes for speed and injury prevention to proper training techniques, both physical and mental. It fosters better coach-parent interactions and includes detailed appendices on rules, terminology, event organization, and necessary equipment. With an initial focus on the science of efficient swimming, the book provides clear diagrams suitable for beginners and valuable coaching tips for training across different age groups, including Masters and Triathletes. A special section for parents draws from Boder’s vast experience, offering realistic expectations of swim programs. Praised for its clarity and instructional value, this book extends its reach beyond novices to benefit even seasoned swimmers.

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About the Author: Robert Boder
Robert as the Charles River YMCA Aquatics Director and head team coach wrote booklets for the team, Triathlon classes and Masters Clinics suitable for all swimmer skill levels. He also did a series of community television shows based on this material. He was a certified American Swim Coaches Association, level 3, coach when performing these activities. These are a result of the author’s competitive experience in addition to teaching with Boston area college coaches and world class Masters Swimmers at clinics and swim camps. They were well received for the simplicity of explanations supported by photographs and video material. These document his expertise gained as a successful competitor and coach of a small seasonal team. The YMCA’s team success was much better than expected when competing at YMCA New England championship meets when he was coach. What he learned is covered in the book to assist coaches improve their teaching skills and allow parents to select an appropriate team.
Robert Boder’s Get in the water is a book of innovative methods to educate coaches, athletes and parent in basic skills of competitive swimming. It is a starting point to understand many important aspects of the sport:
- learning to do the strokes for speed and injury prevention
- proper physical and mental training
- interaction between of coaches with parents
- appendices of rules, swim terms, meet (events, scoring, to dos) and equipment to buy.

The book starts by briefly covering the science for efficient motion through water in simple terms. There are pictures and diagrams even beginning swimmers can understand and is appropriate for coaches to use in teaching strokes. After that it has age group training techniques, coaching tips, suggestions for Masters and Triathlon training. It is a short and thorough introduction to these topics. The sections for parents are based on his age group swimming experience and dealing with team parents. It is a realistic assessment of what to look for and expect to find in an appropriate program. Very successful Masters swimmers have commented on the explanation clearity and instruction value that went far beyond what is only directed to entry level swimmers.

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Price: $5.99 USD


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