Good Health Is Yours for the Taking

Good health primarily rests in our hands. Overconsumption of alcohol, tobacco, and unhealthy diets, alongside poor stress management, can lead to illness and shorten life spans. Conversely, avoiding these habits and maintaining a structured exercise routine can promote a long, healthy life and contribute to a financially stable country. Taking control of our health choices is crucial for well-being.

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About the Author: Sheldon Cohen M.D.
Sheldon Cohen M.D. FACP is a specialist in internal medicine, has served as Medical Director of a large suburban Chicago medical center and two Health Maintenance Organizations, taught physical diagnosis and internal medicine at two Chicago area medical schools, and served as a quality consultant to hospitals in the United States, Europe and South America.
Good health, for the great majority, is up to each individual who has the power to ensure it. Too much alcohol, too much tobacco, too much weight gain, poor dietary habits, and poor stress management will ensure illness and a greatly reduced life span, while none of these bad habits plus a well organized exercise program may guarantee a healthy life, a long, productive life, and a financially stable country.

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