About the Author: Louise Aznavour PhD
For the past 20+ years Louise Aznavour developed therapy - coaching - consulting expertise on Couple Therapy - Anxiety - Panic - Depression - Burnout - Stress - Interpersonal Communication Skills.
Professional Services cover the GENERAL PUBLIC and the BUSINESS SECTOR.
Her professional experience in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, offering coaching to the public and to businesses, teaching doctoral students and seasoned professionals from various countries is considerable. Her professional background covers major hospitals in the Montreal region, including the Douglas Hospital Center, a large Psychiatric Institute, which is a teaching Hospital to renowned Universities of the region including McGill University and Université de Montréal.
Opening a new world to additional expertise, Dr. Aznavour studied Sign Language for the Deaf besides consulting for more than a decade at the Mackay Center School for the Deaf.
She also speaks Armenian, Turkish, French, and English. These languages as Life-Tools widen her perspective, and enrich her outlook toward different cultures and viewpoints.
She teaches in European Universities and gives SEMINARS - COACHING - WORKSHOPS - BOOT CAMPS internationally on Creativity and Innovation, Stress Management, Prevention of Burnout as well as Humour and Laughter.
She continues to maintain a private practice in Montreal, Canada. Details of Curriculum Vitae in www.stayingupbeat.com

Learn Winning Attitudes - Bring Out Your Personal Best. "GOODBYE STRESS - HELLO SUCCESS" is the Self-Help Handbook of 21 Empowerment Techniques & Exercises to help you say "No" to tension while reaching out for success.
This book is based on techniques used during more than 20 years of professional experiences on helping people change for the better.
"GOODBYE STRESS - HELLO SUCCESS" delivers hands on and fact based input on how to handle stress, to bring back and further develop our natural Bounce Back Factor in living.
You see, when children fall they naturally Bounce Back. In the adult world of frustrating experiences and accumulated failures, we lose abilities that children have: resilience...
Consider the following: "Winners Let Their Thinking Affect Limitations of the Environment. Losers Do Just The Opposite. They Let Limitations of the Environment Affect Their Thinking."
1. We feel most energetic and empowered around some people yet totally exhausted with others.
2. Attitudes that we allow around or inside us may either energize or deplete us.
3. In a world where negative and pessimistic attitudes are rampant, it is essential to keep our resilience flowing.
4. "Happy" or "miserable" live in your mind. And, it is all in your mind!
5. Learning to deal with pessimism - in others and in you - develops your self-confidence and strength of character.
6. Winning Attitudes are learned. You, too, can be a winner!
Welcome to "Goodbye Stress - Hello Success"