Have You Had a Coffee Break Today? (But Not the Way You Think!): The Definitive Guide to Coffee Enemas

Discover the comprehensive guide to coffee enemas, revealing their function, benefits, and impact on liver detoxification. Learn about their crucial role in overall health, understanding healing crises, and utilizing coffee enemas for rapid healing.

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About the Author: Marie Vilsack Richards
For nearly 30 years, Marie Vilsack Richards, herbalist, has treated people for their health problems using herbal remedies and natural therapies with great success. The coffee enema is an integral part of her protocol. Where other therapists have failed, Marie has been able to lead her clients back to health due, in large part, to the coffee enema.

Ms. Richards began her interest in herbal medicine as a child. She learned the healing properties of many herbs from her grandmother. This interest grew as she delved further into herbalism and various natural healing methods.

Marie resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she continues her practice as well as giving lectures in herbal healing.
The definitive guide to coffee enemas, explaining what a coffee enema is, how it works, and its health benefits.

It discusses the impact of the coffee enema on the liver, the most important organ in detoxifying the body and the liver’s importance to one’s overall health.

It also clarifies what a healing crisis is, how to identify when you are experiencing a healing crisis and, most importantly, how to break the crisis with a coffee enema so that the body heals at a continuous and rapid rate.

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Price: $13.99 USD


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