Hiidhaa Seexaa II: Maa’ikalaawii Mooraa Gubbaa Mana Hidhaa fi Duudhaa GooliiI

"Prison of Conscience," now available in Afaan Oromo with updates, delves into the Oromo nation’s struggle under over a century of Ethiopian occupation. It reveals tales of killings, torture, and suppression, highlighting the cruel treatment of prisoners, including one who endured a decade of inhuman conditions. This narrative also touches on the broader human rights abuses in Ethiopia, particularly under the Darg regime, and later observations under the EPRDF government. Included is a list of Oromo detainees, offering a deeper understanding of their plight and resistance.

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About the Author: Ibsaa Guutama
Ibsaa Guutama is a native of Oromiyaa. After teaching for two years he went to Haile Sillaasee University and earned Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Government. Participated in student movement of the 60s. He had a prize-winning Amharic poem “Itiyophiyaawiiwu Maannawu?” (Who is an Ethiopian?”). Worked as civil servant and minister. He was Prisoner of conscience for around ten ears. He is married with 5 children and nine grandchildren. He authored five books all in Afaan Oromo except one. Now he is American citizen aging gracefully.
This was first published in English as “Prison of Conscience”. It is now presented in Afaan Oromo with some addition and expansion. For the Oromo nation the more than a hundred years of Amaaraa Ethiopian occupation had been a hell. Killings, tortures and disappearances were common place. Their land was grabbed, their culture erased, their language suppressed, they were turned to serfs and their identity was denied, their freedom deprived. Relentless struggle was waged to reverse the situation and much had been achieved towards it. This book is about experience of a prisoner who went under the most inhuman treatment in torture rooms and isolated from the world for about ten years. And also, about empire Ethiopia that knows no human rights and even human conscience was kept under suppression. All about the empire and Darg prison are contained in two volumes of this book in brief. The said prisoner had a chance to revisit Maa’ikalaawii under EPRDF government that replaced the Darg. List of prisoners of the previous detention is also given as appendix. Read it and there are more to discover.

Kun waa’ee hidhaa Dargii jalaa kan nama hidhicha keessa gara waggaa kudhaniif hidhameen dhihate. Dubbisaan caalaatt empayericha akka hubatuuf qabatteen dabalaman jiru. Hidhamtich erga Dargiin badees ADWUI jalatt hidhamuun Maa’ikalaawii deebi’ee daawwachuuf carra argatee ture. Baruma dhaabota Oromoo irra waan ga’an gabaabaatt tuqamanii jiru. Dhuma irratt akka sutaatt tarreen hidhamtoota Oromo bara sanaa dhihaatee jira.

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Price: $14.99 USD


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