Hinge Points of History

John Hunsuck shares insights from over 80 years of observing key, yet often unnoticed, moments in history. This book explores the causes and effects of historical shifts, both rapid and gradual, over the last few millennia. Aimed at scholars and seekers alike, it investigates these pivotal events, which are typically met with disbelief, and offers predictions for future cause-and-effect scenarios. An enlightening journey through the hidden hinges of history.

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About the Author: John Hunsuck
John Hunsuck, is a retired Colonel in the Air Force, a Command Pilot, Engineer, Teacher, Pastor, Evangelist, and Bishop. He has traveled the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia on a quest to identify historical causes and effects worldwide. Join him on this trail and uncover the Hinge Points of History.
Through his over 80 years of observation, John Hunsuck has witnessed how the hinge points of history have occurred without much fanfare. Nevertheless, they are later examined and reported by thoughtful students. Scholars and seekers, of all ages, study these occurrences to determine the cause of sudden or even slow changes in history. Discovery of these effects are generally met with unbelief. This book endeavors to lay out the causes and effects for the last several millennia. It also attempts to postulate cause and effect for the future.

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Price: $5.99 USD


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