Holy Warrior Trojan Horses: A Story of Home Grown Terrorism

Ben Marzan, disillusioned, turns to radical Islam, becoming a prime candidate for terrorism. Russian scientist Anatoly Shenko, facing health issues and financial desperation, is an expert in biological warfare. Abdul Saidadov, a former Chechen rebel, seeks to advance al-Qaeda's agenda. These individuals, among others, plot to unleash weapons of mass destruction in the U.S., starting with a biological attack in Chicago. The city faces the threat of a nuclear bomb next. Can a local doctor, the FBI, and Chicago Police thwart their deadly plan?

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About the Author: Sheldon Cohen
Sheldon Cohen M.D. FACP is a specialist in internal medicine, has served as Medical Director of a large suburban Chicago medical center and two Health Maintenance Organizations, taught physical diagnosis and internal medicine at two Chicago area medical schools, and served as a quality consultant to hospitals in the United States, Europe and South America.
Ben Marzan---Searching for meaning in his life, Marzan studies with The Imam and converts to a radical sect of Islam. He's the perfect candidate for a terrorist...American-born, assimilated, and eager to embrace Jihad.

Anatoly Shenko---A disaffected Russian scientist working in Siberia, Shenko is one of the world's top experts on biological warfare. But he, his wife and son are in ill health and he's in desperate need of money.

Abdul Saidadov---A former Chechen rebel, Saidadov aligns himself with al-Qaeda in hopes of spreading the message of Allah throughout the world.

Marzan, Shenko, and Saidadov, along with four other conspirators and the hierarchy of Al-Qaeda, are part of a terrorist plot to smuggle weapons of mass destruction into the United States. To keep America off balance, they are prepared to sow chaos in Chicago. Anthrax and Smallpox are successfully disseminated throughout the city, and as Chicagoans die in ever-increasing numbers, the city soon learns that a nuclear bomb is next.

Will a young Chicago Emergency Department physician, a team of FBI agents, and the Chicago Police be able to abort the coming attack?

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