How the Granola-Crunching, Tree-Hugging Thug Huggers Are Wrecking Our Country!: A Veteran Broadcaster Declares "Red Alert!"

Best-selling author and beloved broadcaster Lowell Green takes a no-holds-barred approach in his latest book, aiming to expose the elements and policies he believes are undermining Canada. From contentious refugee and immigration policies to lenient crime approaches and the controversial Kyoto Accord, Green tackles a wide array of issues. He doesn't shy away from discussing the homeless "industry" among others. Warning: Shocking revelations ahead. This book serves as a wake-up call from one of Canada's most experienced voices. Prepare for an eye-opening read.

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About the Author: Lowell Green
In addition to being Canada's most honored broadcaster, Lowell Green is one of Canada's best selling authors. His first memoir, The Pork Chop and Other Stories was the best selling book in Eastern Ontario in 2005, outselling even the Harry Potter series. His first novel, Death In October became recommended reading in a number of Canadian high schools and his other two books, How the Granola Crunching, Tree Hugging Thug Huggers are Wrecking our Country and It's Hard to Say Goodbye have been runaway best sellers.

He lives with his wife Deborah on the outskirts of Canada's Capital only a few minutes drive from Scotiabank Place, home of his beloved Ottawa Senators Hockey team. He dotes on three grandchildren whom he describes as absolutely the smartest, best-looking kids in Canada.

His numerous awards include citations from former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Helen Keller Fellowship Award from Lions International, the coveted Gold Ribbon Award from The Canadian Association of Broadcasters, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Radio and Television News Directors Association, and a special award from the International Olympic Commission for his broadcasts from the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games. He has had a wing at an Ottawa Hospital named in his honor, and a day named in his honor in Ottawa. He has a special "Community Builder" plaque hanging in his honor at Ottawa City Hall and is the recipient of the prestigious "Queen's Golden Jubilee" medal.

In addition to his writing, Lowell can be heard hosting the Lowell Green show on Radio Station CFRA in Ottawa, Canada each weekday from 10:00 -- noon. For years his radio show has been the top rated in Ottawa and one of the top rated talk shows in North America. Two of his historic broadcasts are being preserved in Canada's National Archives.
In the unique style that has endeared him to one of Canada's largest and most loyal radio audiences, best-selling author Lowell Green launches an all-out exposé on those Canadians he says are wrecking our country. He tackles issues ranging from our dangerous refugee, immigration and multicultural policies to the soft-on-crime-gang with their needle and crack-pipe handouts, the Kyoto Accord, Canada's homeless "industry", and much more.

WARNING: This book is not for the faint of heart; some of the revelations here are shocking. This is a wake-up call for Canadians, by the country's most experienced broadcaster, a man with his finger on the pulse of the country he loves. Buckle up!

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Price: $9.99 USD


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