How to Attract and Get What You Really Want: Uncover the Secret to Creating a More Fulfilling Life Using the Power of Universal Laws

Ready to stop wishing and start achieving? This book unveils how to use the Law of Attraction to turn dreams into reality. Whether seeking a better relationship, career, more money, or health, changing your mindset can attract your desires. Learn to stop envying others' successes and make your own wishes come true. Your mindset shapes your life; by shifting it, you can attract what you crave the most. It's your turn to thrive.

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About the Author: Ellen J. John
Ellen, her husband and their two dogs are native of New York, hailing from New York City. During a tough period in her life, after losing both of her parents in the same year and going through a painful divorce, the author looked into ways to improve her mood. After learning about the Law of Attraction, she applied it to her own life, and continued to learn about it. She now works as a life coach, helping others improve their lives through the Law of Attraction.
Are there things that you want but feel that you will never have? Are you tired of watching others meet their goals and get their dreams fulfilled while yours never do? If you are ready to stop wishing and to start making things happen, this is the book for you. Stop wishing and start attracting what you want out of life using the Law of Attraction.

If you are looking for a better relationship, a better career, more money, better health or even want to own better things, you can use the Law of Attraction to make it happen and this book will tell you how. How you think greatly influences your life. By changing your thinking, you can change your life, attracting the things that you want the most into your life. By using the Law of Attraction and changing how you think, you will be able to make your wishes into a reality. Stop watching others get what they want out of life, it is your turn.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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