How to Break Bad Habits: Ultimate Guide to Good Habits

Tired of being held back by bad habits? This book is your guide to breaking free and transforming your life. Discover practical tips to shed negative behaviors and cultivate positive ones, helping you live life to the fullest. Start your journey to a better you with this essential guide.

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About the Author: Stephanie Christopher
For a few years, Stephanie has had a difficult time managing her life. She felt that her life was a repeating routine with nothing worthwhile happening. After taking in some advice from a motivator speaker, she started to become active around her community by doing small deeds. Stephanie felt that it was important for others who are facing the same issue that she used to be facing to look in the positive side again, which is why she has decided to write this book.
Are you being controlled by a slew of bad habits that are whittling your life away?

You don't have to remain under the influence of such malignant forces. Within the pages of this book, you will find numerous hints and tricks on how to ditch the bad habits that have been sending your life on a downward spiral and how to finally create new ones that you can be proud of.

Your life is yours to live, and you should live it to the fullest.

This comprehensive guide is the perfect start to making that positive change.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .mobi

Price: $4.99 USD


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