How to Clean Out Your Parents' Estate in 30 Days or Less

"How to Clean Out Your Parents' Estate in 30 Days or Less" offers a practical guide with detailed checklists and resources for efficiently dealing with a parent's home after infirmity or death. From attic clearance to the final item, it covers preparation while parents are still alive, managing transitions, immediate actions post-death, and how to decide whether to keep, sell, or donate items. Julie Hall, a national personal property expert, creates an indispensable step-by-step resource to expedite the process, aiming to help readers avoid being overwhelmed and swiftly return to their lives.

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About the Author: Julie Hall
A nationally known expert to children/families, estate attorneys, financial planners, CPA's, real estate and insurance professionals, geriatric and assisted living managers, Hall has made her mark as a consultant and an advisor on the disposition of personal property and also in predicting personal behavior when valuable property is at stake. She writes and speaks on behalf of seniors, educating them on why it is important for them to deal with their personal property before they become infirmed or die. Hall also educates their Boomer children guiding them through the entire process on behalf of their parents. Hall is respected within the antiques and collectibles fields at what has value versus what does not in an estate, alleviating confusion and pressure among those left behind to deal with the personal property distribution.

Since publishing her book, The Boomer Burden, Julie has been resourced across North America as THE leading expert in estate dissolution, the personal property side of estate planning, and more. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, LA Times, MSN Money, Bloomberg News, Satellite Radio and many others.
"How to Clean Out Your Parents' Estate in 30 Days or Less" is a take-along manual packed with meticulously compiled checklists, resources, and information. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to clean out your parents' home at the time of their infirmity or death, beginning in the attic and ending when the last item has been packed up. This indispensible resource offers you solutions and answers from an expert who has seen it all:
*How to prepare when parents are still living and in their home
*Transitions for parents in failing health
*What to do immediately upon parents' death
*Do we keep, sell, or donate?
*Step-by-step clean out process
*Compare options for selling the contents: Which method is best?

Julie Hall, national personal property expert and author of the best-selling book, "The Boomer Burden - Dealing With Your Parents' Lifetime Accumulation of Stuff," was inspired to create this step-by-step guide as either a true companion to her book or a stand-alone resource. She wants every reader to clean out their parents' home in literally 30 days or less, so they can resume their lives instead of becoming swamped by this overwhelming task.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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