How to Influence and Persuade Anyone Anytime: Uncover the Secret to Connecting With People and Get What You Want Out of Life

Influence is a constant in everyone's life, regardless of background or origin. It's omnipresent, shaping or being shaped by us. This book champions embracing and harnessing this ability. It underlines that even seemingly minor influence techniques can drastically empower your path to success when correctly applied. Through this guide, you'll evolve not just personally but also learn to positively impact others towards their success. Discover the simplicity yet profound impact of mastering influence.

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About the Author: Anthony B. Jeffrey
Anthony had graduated with a Masters Degree in Social Psychology and a Bachelors Degree in Communication. He spent a few years after college as a motivational speaker as a way to improve his public speaking skills. During those days, he talked about how leadership was easily obtained with the right knowledge and skill. Now, he has retired from public speaking and became a tutor and motivating figure for the children in his old school.
Influence has been and will always be an enormous part of your life whether you've realized it or not. It doesn't matter about what type of family background you came from or where you're from. It surrounds you on a daily basis whether you're the one being influenced or whether you're the one influencing others.

That is why you should embrace this ability into your life. No matter how insignificant of a technique it may seem to you, it can become a very powerful factor to your success in life if applied in the right ways. It will be a skill that you will never regret developing.

By following and applying the skills that you will learn in this book, you will not only be shaping yourself up to become a better person, but to also become someone who can positively motivate others to pursue a successful future. By the end, you'll learn that being able to influence others is a lot easier than you had thought it to be.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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