How to Unleash the Power of Your Mind and Manifest Success: Unlocking Human Mind Potential

Wondering if you could achieve more in life? Feel stuck just shy of reaching your full potential? It's time to unlock your inner power! Our minds hold untapped strength, yet many of us barely scratch the surface of our abilities. Stop longing for success and start achieving it by harnessing the power of your thoughts. Shift your focus from negative to positive and invite happiness and success into your life. Don't wait any longer to transform your life with the insights this book offers.

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About the Author: Clary B. Collins
Clary and her husband of twenty-seven years live in Seattle with their dogs, one cat and pair of lovebirds. After struggling with a mild learning disability while she was in high school and college, the author sought out a tutor to help her learn to be able to express herself better and to learn better. Those techniques serve as the basis for the author’s career as a teacher for those with learning disabilities and for her book. When Clary is not writing or working, her favorite pastime is babysitting her twin granddaughters.
Have you ever wondered if you could do more with your life? If you feel as if there is an entire world just beyond your grasp, but you are being held back from reaching your potential? Stop dreaming about success and achieve it by unlocking the potential within you.

The human mind is a powerful tool and so many of us do not use even a fraction of the power that you can harness and it will change your life. Why be miserable and wish for success when you can be happy and successful, the power for both lies in your thoughts. What we think about we bring about and when you focus on the wrong things, you end up with more negatives in your life than positives. Turn things around and start inviting in the right things and you will wonder why you waited so long to buy this book.

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Price: $3.99 USD


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