I and Thou: Second Edition

"I AND THOU," a seminal work in Western Theology by Martin Buber, bridges modern German proto-Existentialist ideas with the Judeo-Christian tradition, refreshingly reinterpreting faith for contemporary times. Since its debut in 1923, this influential book has shaped modern thought, highlighting Buber's philosophy where individuals connect deeply to establish genuine partnerships. This original English translation was crafted under Buber's supervision, ensuring its authenticity and impact.

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About the Author: Martin Buber
Martin Buber was born in 1878 in Vienna, the child of a Jewish family. A prominent Zionist and member of the German Jewish Intellectual class wiped out in the Holocaust, he lectured at the University of Frankfurt from1924-1933. Buber stayed in Germany until he had to emigrate in 1938, and from then on he taught at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He died in 1965 a revered figure in Israel and around the world.
I AND THOU is one of the most important books of Western Theology. In it, Martin Buber, heavily influenced by the writings of Nietzsche, unites the proto-Existentialist currents of modern German thought with the Judeo-Christian tradition, powerfully updating faith for modern times. Since its first appearance in Germany in 1923, this slender volume has become one of the epoch-making works of our time.This work is the centerpiece of Buber's philosophy. It lays out a view of the world in which human beings can enter into relationships usung their innermost and whole beings to form true partnerships. This is the original English translation, and it was prepared in the author;'s presence.

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Available in the following formats: .epub, .mobi

Price: $7.75 USD


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