I and Thou

Martin Buber's classic, "I AND THOU," has significantly influenced philosophers, religious thinkers, and writers worldwide. Esteemed as a landmark in intellectual history, it continues to impact post-WWII generations, who view Buber as a prophetic figure.

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About the Author: Martin Buber
Martin Buber was born in Vienna in 1878, studied philosophy and art at the universities of Vienna, Zurich, and Berlin. In his twenties he was an active Zionist and worked closely with Theodore Herzl and Chiam Weizmann. However, Buber is best know for his revival of Hasidism, a mystical movement that swept Eastern European Jewry in the 18th and 19th centuries. Out of this interest evolved his dialogical, or "I-Thou" philosophy. Professor Buber taught philosophy from 1938 to 1951 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Martin Buber's I AND THOU has long been acclaimed as a classic. Many prominent philosophers, religious thinkers and writers have acknowledged its influence on their works. Students of intellectual history consider it a landmark; and the generation born since WWII considers Buber as one of its prophets.

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