In the Best Interest of the Child

This concise guide, penned by experts in psychology and counseling, is a must-read for divorcing parents keen on sparing their children unnecessary distress. It delves into practical advice on navigating custody battles, understanding the emotional turmoil for all involved, and vital strategies for prioritizing children’s needs. The authors, with their direct approach and based on extensive experience, emphasize creating a child-centered blueprint for emotional health during divorce. Covering topics from managing your own stress to softening custody disputes and addressing hidden needs of children, this book stands out for its authoritative, credible tone and undiluted advice on safeguarding children’s wellbeing amidst divorce.

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About the Author: Nadir Baksh Psy.D.
Nadir Baksh, Psy.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist specializing in Clinical and Forensic Psychology since 1984. He is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine and the American Board of Forensic Examiners, and Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association, with over twenty-two years of clinical experience in office practice. Dr. Baksh is considered an expert in court testimony, and has worked for twenty years in child custody evaluations and marital therapy. He sees first hand the effects of separation and divorce on the individuals in the relationship, especially the children. He is coauthor with Laurie Murphy of In the Best Interest of the Child: A Manual for Divorcing Parents (Hohm Press, 2007) and You Don't Know Anything . . .!: A Manual for Parenting Your Teenagers (Hohm Press, 2008).

Laurie Elizabeth Murphy, R.N., Ph.D. has raised four children. Since the beginning of her training in 1968 she has worked with patients and families. For the past twenty years she has specifically focused on a clinical practice dealing with marital issues, divorce and its impact on children. She is coauthor with Nadir Baksh of In the Best Interest of the Child: A Manual for Divorcing Parents (Hohm Press, 2007) and You Don't Know Anything . . .!: A Manual for Parenting Your Teenagers (Hohm Press, 2008).
This book is a manual for parents who are divorcing. Written by a licensed clinical forensic psychologist and a Ph.D.nurse/counselor its purpose is to help parents save their children unnecessary anguish throughout the divorce process.

The advice and direction contained here are eminently practical-detailing what adults can expect from a custody battle; what they will encounter in themselves and in their children (emotionally, physically, mentally) during divorce; helping parents to make sense out of their children's questions; offering guidance in making decisions for themselves and their kids; and explaining the ultimate importance of putting the child's needs first.

What makes this book different and invaluable is that the authors refuse to take a sugar-coated or willy-nilly approach. They have witnessed, firsthand, too much pain an suffering in families during divorce to hold back their strong, direct words and warnings. "We are not afraid to take a stand," they declare up front. "In fact, we believe it is our duty to underscore the needs of your children so they don't get lost or disappear underneath legal paperwork." While they fully understand that adults do not set out to cause damage to their children, they also know that any divorce, if not handled properly, will absolutely cause serious problems to children. Such "proper handling" must include a strategically-planned blueprint that maps out a child's need for emotional health and well-being. In The Best Interest Of The Child guides the divorcing adults in the drafting of such a blueprint. Without it, they plead, "your children's lives will quickly stagnate or suffocate in the mire and muck created by spousal mud-slinging and attorney-posturing."

The tone of the book, while uncompromising, also generates strong credibility for the author's words, and easily inspires confidence in their readers. Years of experience as therapists and family counselors allow the authors to present their material with authority, sanity and genuine wisdom.

Topics covered include: what to expect when you are divorcing; the stress and fear that children take on; the need for extra vigilance and care toward children; softening or preventing the custody "battle"; the hidden needs of children; and dealing with an uncooperative spouse.

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Price: $9.99 USD


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